What Are Our Supports? is a polyphonic anthology with over 20 local and international contributors, based on a series of artist group’s projects in Vancouver’s Cathedral Square Park in 2018, all situated within Germaine Koh’s HMH: Boothy – a telephone booth-like platform and imaginative time-space portal. Featuring original artist group reflections, commissioned poems and essays, reprinted texts, and additional artworks, this publication highlights the need to reinvigorate sustainable, alternative support networks for artists and communities during uncertain times, now intensified by our global pandemic and human-induced climate crisis. How do artists make perceptible the underrecognized and foundational supports that will continue to guide us through precarity? What is the role of practice – and pleasure – in relation to ongoing struggle? What can we learn through the everyday practice of being human, and through the quests of art?
Edited by: Joni Low and Jeff O’Brien
224 pages
6.75 x 9 inches
ISBN 9781988860145
Information Office